Mary’s Lullaby

Mary’s Lullaby

There are many songs by the name “Mary’s Lullaby,” but this particular one comes from the Children’s Primary songbook, used by the LDS Church. It  is based on an old German folk tune, and is a simple sweet lullaby to the Christ child. The words were written by Jan Underwood Pinborough in 1989, with the music arranged by Darwin Wolford.

Mary's Lullaby Sheet Music


Lullaby, lullaby, my little one.
Lullaby, my child so dear.
Thy precious life has just begun;
Thy mother holds thee near.
While Joseph watches through the night,
A star reflects thy radiant light.

Thy gentle head shall wear a crown,
For thy Father is the King.
Thy tender hands, so tiny now,
Have blessings great to bring.
Let all creation join my song,
For peace and love this night are born.

Lullaby, lullaby, my little one.
Lullaby, my child so dear.

While Joseph watches through the night,
A star reflects thy light.

Let all creation join my song,
For peace and love are born.

Mary's Lullaby


  • Lisa

    Wow!! I’ve loved them all so far, but this is one of my favorites since I have sung it to all of my babies, thanks!!

  • jennifer

    where can i get the sheet music for this??

    • Justin Reeve

      Hi Jennifer. If you mean the sheet music to the original song, you can find it here: I haven’t put together any sheet music for my version yet, but I plan to in the future.

  • chandra

    It is a year later since someone else asked. . .any sheet music for your version yet?

    • Justin Reeve

      I know I said I’d try and get to it, but I still haven’t had a chance to do any sheet music. It’s on my to-do list, though! Besides “Mary’s Lullaby,” are there any other songs in particular you’d like to see transcribed?

  • JEnnie

    so…another year has gone by. Any music yet??? I love this song and need a piano solo arrangement for this christmas! Wishing you had it ready in sheet music. ;-(

  • Justin Reeve

    There is FINALLY sheet music for this now, with separate piano and flute parts. I know it’s probably too late for any Christmas performances this year, but I hope you guys enjoy it!

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